Trauma Arthritis Neck – Explore Complete Details

When it comes to post-traumatic neck arthritis, it is generally referred to as degenerative joint disease secondary to injuries in medical term. It takes place when cartilage deteriorates due to trauma to beck due to injury as a result of an accident or also strenuous physical activity like car accident, fall or also playing high impact sports.
You must be aware of the fact that post-traumatic arthritis generally accounts for approximate 12% of osteoarthritis cases in the country like the United States. Moreover, the wearing out process is generally accelerated by continued injury and also excess body weight.
The joints of human body are well protected from grinding against each other by a tough yet highly flexible protein based tissue called cartridge. Moreover, cartridge generally undergoes natural deterioration over time mainly due to normal wear and tear, but injury generally accelerates such type of process.
The distortion also wears away the cartilage that at last results in both joints directly rubbing against each other creating pain and also inflammation and also several other symptoms with those of several common arthritis.

Moreover, post-traumatic arthritis neck can quickly develop in patients after injury caused by accidents or some other reasons. The common symptoms of post-traumatic neck arthritis generally include accumulation of fluid in severe pain, joints, swelling, joints instability and more.


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