Back Pain Singapore – Know About Some Fatal Causes

The main purpose of this article is to describe some fatal causes of back pain.

Aortic aneurysm – The great and huge artery that generally carries blood away from your heart several times weakens with age and also several balloons outward. If vessel is generally stretching slowly with time, the pain may be intermittent or chronic in nature.
Tumor and cancer – Both cancer originating in the bones of cancer and back that generally spreads to the back from another location that most commonly causes back pain Singapore. The pain generally takes place with movement or at rest.

Infection – When bacteria generally invades several deep structures of the body like bones, spinal cords and discs, some serious infection may ensue. Such infections are indeed fairly uncommon and also many generally go unrecognized until the process is highly in advanced.  

Pancreatitis – When your pancreas generally become inflamed for whatever reason and also the enzymes that are generally designed mainly for helping you digest your food may certainly start digesting your own body instead.

Penetrating ulcer – Only pancreatic juices may certainly eat with the help of pancreas and also several other structures so may stomach acid generally burns a hole with the help of duodenum or stomach. \

Inflammatory bowel disease – When your colon is generally inflamed the pain may certainly be experienced in abdomen, back, pelvis. 

Pulmonary embolism


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