
Showing posts from 2016

Minimally Invasive Surgery Singapore from Ardmore Orthopaedic Clinic Singapore

Are you suffering from any foot and ankle problem and searching for the precise solutions and treatment for this? You will have some better options that are free from the possibility of major surgical procedure. Minimally invasive surgery in Singapore is the best option as you don’t have to face a major surgical procedure or stay in hospital for more time. You will get precise solutions from professional surgeons and doctors who have proven track record. Now, what all you have to do is find a clinic or hospital in Singapore. If you are looking for one such clinic or hospital, you will have some better options of fulfilling your requirement. Ardmore Orthopaedic Clinic has been offering you specialized percutaneous, minimally invasive surgery for foot conditions. The amazing surgery is done that result in smaller wounds and result in less pain, bleeding and infection. There is much better comesis in comparison to traditional foot and ankle surgeries. Not to mention bunion or Hallux

Back Pain in Singapore – Consult with Professional Orthopaedic Surgeons

Back pain is a very common problem that may take place due to various reasons like sports activities, ageing, and post menopausal condition and due to the wrong posture. Possibility of other reasons cannot be denied that can result on such pain. In order to get rid of back pain in Singapore or anywhere else, what is more important than anything else is to schedule an appointment to orthopaedic surgeons at the right orthopaedic clinic and leave rest of the work on experts working there. You will find numerous renowned clinics and hospitals committing of offering you affordable and precise treatment in observation of professional experts. You have to choose the right one that is convenient for you and providing treatment in your health insurance. Among some of the top names from where you can get complete relief and treatment in supervision and observation of professionals doctors, name of Ardmore Arthopaedic Clinic based in Singapore comes on the forefront. A reliable platform run

Trauma Arthritis Neck – Complete Solution in Singapore

Arthritis is a major problem that may leave you in a situation when you feel pain and find yourself unable to move freely. You need to consult doctors or orthopaedic surgeons to feel relaxed and get relief in this problem. Whether you are looking for precise solutions for trauma arthritis neck, post-traumatic arthritis, any problem in knee, hip, neck and shoulder or anywhere in bones, you will have some better options of fulfilling your requirement by reaching the right clinic or hospital, where such precise solutions are provided. If you are looking for one such clinic or hospital, you will have some better options of fulfilling your requirement by going online. There are numerous renowned clinics where such precise solutions are provided through minimally invasive surgery. You have to choose the right one that is ideal for you and schedule an appointment according to your choice. Among some the top clinics and hospitals, from where you will get the right solutions for traum

Trauma Arthritis Neck – Explore Complete Details

When it comes to post- traumatic neck arthritis , it is generally referred to as degenerative joint disease secondary to injuries in medical term. It takes place when cartilage deteriorates due to trauma to beck due to injury as a result of an accident or also strenuous physical activity like car accident, fall or also playing high impact sports.   You must be aware of the fact that post-traumatic arthritis generally accounts for approximate 12% of osteoarthritis cases in the country like the United States. Moreover, the wearing out process is generally accelerated by continued injury and also excess body weight.    The joints of human body are well protected from grinding against each other by a tough yet highly flexible protein based tissue called cartridge. Moreover, cartridge generally undergoes natural deterioration over time mainly due to normal wear and tear, but injury generally accelerates such type of process.     The distortion also wears away the cartilage that at last r

Achilles’ Tendon Singapore – Treating It With Exercise

Achilles tendonitis is generally termed as inflammation or pain that is experienced on the Achilles tendon caused by over exercising of muscles. This is the condition that mainly affects dancers and also runners. Calf exercises generally proved to be more effective in curing those of some affected muscles.     Such exercises will also assist you in gradual development of strength in those of some affected muscles. The great thing of such exercise is that when they are performed, they then mitigate the impact of injury and lead to quick recovery. When you wish to perform exercise work, it is then important that you must warm up first. Moreover, a warm exercise can indeed be a simple task similarly as jogging. In case you experience pain at your tendon heel, you should never ignore it. Once you warm up properly, you can then stretch your body as you lean on an object.      Moreover, a calf exercise will also help you in preventing from Achilles’ tendon Singapore , which is termed a

Tips On Preparing For Minimally Invasive Surgery Singapore

So, you are going for invasive surgery? Well, this article will help you in exploring some preparation tips in this regard. Your first and important step for this is to ensure that you should make a completely detailed list of your questions and also anxieties, in order to speak about your surgeon or doctor before undergoing the process. As with almost every surgery, there are some risks and you must never take so much time to discuss with your physician to put your mind at ease.      Though laser surgery is said to be less invasive than those of several other options, there are still several risks and also being familiar of them and also what the medical team is performing to mitigate them can certainly help you in feeling highly reassured. After discussing at length with your physician about the details and risks of surgery, you definitely wish to ask about the estimated recovery time since this tends to affect in terms of how you go about your da once you return from the hospital

Back Pain Singapore – Know About Some Fatal Causes

The main purpose of this article is to describe some fatal causes of back pain. Aortic aneurysm – The great and huge artery that generally carries blood away from your heart several times weakens with age and also several balloons outward. If vessel is generally stretching slowly with time, the pain may be intermittent or chronic in nature.   Tumor and cancer – Both cancer originating in the bones of cancer and back that generally spreads to the back from another location that most commonly causes back pain Singapore . The pain generally takes place with movement or at rest. Infection – When bacteria generally invades several deep structures of the body like bones, spinal cords and discs, some serious infection may ensue. Such infections are indeed fairly uncommon and also many generally go unrecognized until the process is highly in advanced.   Pancreatitis – When your pancreas generally become inflamed for whatever reason and also the enzymes that are generall

Getting Details of Cost of Achilles’ Tendon Singapore

In every day of our lives, people sometimes do things that need the perfect use of legs like mountain climbing, biking and also other related strenuous activities. Such activities are indeed capable of stretching muscles of your legs and also may tear apart such tissues at the back of your legs termed as Achilles tendon.   Once such tendon of a leg is actually torn accidentally mainly because of some harsh le movements. A person should get in touch as soon as possible with a doctor and also will certainly be suggested for a medical surgery. Such surgery can be performed by putting several braces on the back of the legs, in order to keep immobilizing the ankle.    For many cases like those of Achilles tendon Singapore is fully torn, a surgical treatment is suggested. The main reason is once an Achilles tendon is torn, an individual’s capability of walking become impaired and also their legs will have difficulty for supporting their legs. Such surgery is generally performed by cutti

Achilles’ Tendon Singapore – Explore Some Symptoms

When it comes to symptoms of Achilles Tendonitis, these are something that is indeed quite predictable creatures. Every symptom is certainly the result of one or more different mechanisms in the body. Every symptom of the said problem is something that generally exists for some specific reasons.    Like any other type of tendonitis, Achilles tendonitis symptoms can certainly be severe or mild and also debilitating. Moreover, the pain is indeed a result of muscles and also some connectivity issues that are indeed too tight telling the brain that there is danger of injury. The main reason is that structures have become bound so tightly together, they generally lose mobility and flexibility and also have less easy movement.   The pain is generally result of Pain Enhancing Chemicals from the inflammation process setting neuro-receptors on edge. Have you ever twisted your ankle and have it swell up? This is nothing but Pain Enhancing Chemical.  The pain is indeed result of actual damage

Trauma Arthritis Neck – Some Necessary Information

When it comes to arthritis, it is something that is generally defined as an inflammation of a joint. The most common reason is wearing out of joint surface cartilage. Meanwhile, post-traumatic is generally caused by the wearing out of a joint that has certainly had any type of physical injury, which could be from sports, a vehicle accident, military injury and also more. Such injury is able to damage the cartilage or your bone, changing the great mechanics of the joint and also making it wear out quickly. Moreover, the wearing out process is generally accelerated by some continued injuries and also excess body weight. The symptoms of post-traumatic arthritis generally include swelling, joint pain, fluid accumulation in joint and also decreased tolerance and also for walking stairs, sports and also several other activities that tend to stress the joint. Besides, trauma arthritis neck Singapore also cause osteoarthritis of the knee, hip and ankle. This is something that clearly re

Sports Injuries Fractures in Singapore – Call Orthopaedic Surgeons at Ardmore Orthopaedic Clinic

For players, especially those who are involved in hardworking sports, running and athletic sports, often face various problems. Joint problems, stretching, aching, cramps, inflammation, etc are common health problems for them. To a great level, they diagnose the problem and prefer to overcome it by their own. However, sometimes situations become critical and they need support from orthopaedic surgeons or physiotherapists who can provide you relax and right treatment. If you are suffering from sports injuries fractures in Singapore or any kind of other bone and joint related problems, you should schedule an appointment to professional and certified orthopaedic surgeons and doctors in Singapore who have years of experience and skills to provide you the right treatment. For those who are not aware of the clinics, online search is the right and reliable option to let them reach the right clinic or consult with professional doctors. Ardmore Orthopaedic Clinic is a reliable name in Sing

Trauma Arthritis Neck – Consult with Orthopaedic Surgeons in Singapore

Are you suffering from neck pain, inflammation, tightness or any kind of other problem in your neck? Has arthritis affected your neck too and you are looking for precise treatment and solutions from professional orthopaedic surgeons and doctors? For those who are suffering from neck pain and facing the problems of trauma arthritis neck, getting a variety of pain killers, gels and creams is a common thing. Some of them also prefer to consult with professional orthopaedic surgeons and doctors. There is no denying the fact that consulting with professional orthopaedic surgeons is beneficial in a number of ways as they suggest you physical exercises, use of bands and tools, taking the right injection or medicine and even suggest you a minimally invasive surgical procedure to get rid of the problem. There is a lot more offered by professional surgeons and doctors who have got specialization in bone and joint problems. If you are looking for such doctors and orthopaedic surgeons in Singa

Achilles’ Tendon in Singapore – Get Precise Solutions from Certified Orthopaedic Surgeon

When it comes to get precise solutions and treatment for Achilles’ Tendon in Singapore , you will have some better options of fulfilling your requirement by reaching the right clinic or hospital where such orthopaedic surgeries and solutions are provided. Among some of the trusted and reliable clinics from where you can get the right solutions, name of Ardmore Orthopaedic Clinic comes on the top. The leading clinic has been providing specialized care for patients with orthopaedic problems. They also focus on sporting and occupational injuries, lower limb disease and pathology beside general orthopaedic conditions like fractures, trauma, beck and back pain and different other problems. Not to mention arthritis management and especially foot and ankle problems. Ardmore Orthopaedic Clinic is run and managed by Dr Ng Yung Chaun Sean – medical director and consultant MBBS (Singapore), M.Med Surgery (Singapore), MRCS (Edinburgh) and FRCS (Edinburgh). He is founder, director and consultan

Reasons Behind Back Pain – Know About Them Before Starting Treatment For Back Pain In Singapore

Before scheduling an appointment to doctor or orthopaedic surgeon, it is better to know about the reasons of back pain. Some back conditions are the following that may result in back pain and other complications. •     Spondylolisthesis is a common condition of the spine in which patients of the vertebra slips forward or backward in comparison to the next vertebra. •     Slipped Disc/Herniated Disc or Prolapsed Intervertebral disc is the sudden/slowly progressing movement of one intervertebral disc backwards into the spinal channel. •     Sciatica is back pain take place due to irritation of the sciatic nerve. Pain of sciatica is naturally felt from the low back to behind the thigh and scorching down to below the knee. •     Lower Back Pain singapore is one of the main reasons persuade patients to visit their doctor and consult about the right solution. •     Tail Bone Pain/Coccydynia is inflammation of the tip of the tailbone and pain on sitting. •     Scoliosis is a medic

Percutaneous Surgery from Surgeon at Ardmore Orthopaedic Clinic

When it comes to find the right clinic or search for a professional orthopaedic surgeon for percutaneous surgery, you will have some better options of fulfilling your requirement by reaching Ardmore Orthopaedic Clinic. The reputed and certified clinic has become a reliable clinic where you will get complete bone care and orthopaedic treatment. You have to schedule an appointment according to your choice and consult with them for the right treatment. Ardmore Orthopaedic Clinic is not limited to percutaneous surgery Singapore , but has been providing a gamut of other treatment too. The leading clinic provides specialized care for patients with orthopaedic problems. Apart from general orthopaedic conditions like fractures, trauma, neck and back pain, orthopaedic surgeons also focus on sporting and occupational injuries, lower limb disease and pathology along with arthritis management and especially foot and ankle problems.  Fee is also affordable; while surgical procedure is also cove

Foot Deformities – Consult with Orthopaedic Surgeons at Ardmore Orthopaedic Clinic

Feet, the most common body part, take people from one place to another and provide power to perform well in different sport activities. If one is suffering from injuries or pain, you should take specialized care of it; otherwise, it may result in major problems. It is noticed that people hardly pay attention to smaller pain and injuries. If not taken care properly, they may result in major problems and foot deformities too. You need to schedule an appointment to professional orthopaedic surgeons who have a proven track record of offering you affordable and precise treatment. If you are looking for such treatment for deformities in foot or any kind of bone problem, you will get the right solutions and support from a selected and licensed clinic according to your choice. Among some of the top and reliable places from where you can get the right orthopaedic treatment and surgical solutions, you will find Ardmore Orthopaedic Clinic an ideal platform. The leading clinic is run by prof

Sports Injuries Fractures – Schedule an Appointment at Ardmore Orthopaedic Clinic

Strains and Sprains, knee injuries, shin splints, dislocation and fractures are common names associated with sportsmen and those who are involved in various hard-work physical activities and workouts. Those players who start sports activities without warm up and to heat the body are more prone to sports injuries fractures singapore . Fractures commonly referred to as broken bone are fairly common sports injury caused by one-time injury to the bone. Repeated stress on a bone over time can also occur. In addition, small cracks can also occur with an acute fracture. If you are facing any fracture due to sports activities, it is important to schedule an appointment to professional orthopaedic surgeon in Singapore as per your convenience. You will get the right surgical solutions from them according to your choice. Ardmore Orthopaedic Clinic is a reliable name, when it comes to find the right and best orthopaedic surgeons. The leading clinic has carved a special niche within a very shor

Ardmore Orthopaedic Clinic Offers Minimally Invasive Surgery in Singapore

For those who are suffering from any severe to minor orthopaedic problem and looking for the right treatment or surgery for that, various options are available for them that will help you in getting comfort and relaxation. Minimally invasive surgery in Singapore is also one of them that will bring you a number of added benefits. You have to find the right clinic or schedule an appointment at professional orthopaedic surgeon. Going online is one of the convenient ways of fulfilling your requirement to schedule an appointment for such surgical procedure. Among some of the top clinics and places from where you can get precise solutions for such surgical procedure, you will find Ardmore Orthopaedic Clinic the right option. You will get the right solutions for minimally invasive foot surgery and a variety of other surgical procedure. They are specialized in surgery offering you precise solutions and minimally invasive surgery in Singapore for foot and ankle conditions. They ensure smal

Minimally Invasive Surgery in Singapore by Ardmore Orthopaedic Clinic

Gone are the days, when big cuts, big scars, more days in hospitals and more pain were common. Now, innovations can be seen in the surgical procedures too as minimal invasive surgery in Singapore is available for you to provide maximum benefits. Minimally invasive surgery in Singapore , also called as key hole surgery or Laparoscopy, is a miracle in the surgical world because of less scars, no big cuts, no pain and no more time for hospitalization. There are numerous added benefits of having such type of surgery. If you are looking for laparoscopy, you will have some better options of fulfilling your requirement by going online at a clinic to understand the procedure and then book appointment for the day of surgery. Finding the right clinic for such surgical procedure is easy and hassle-free now. For this, what all you have to do is simply reach at Ardmore Orthopaedic Clinic – a certified and reputed name in the market offering you the best surgical solutions. Surgeons working here

Key Hole Surgery In Singapore – Effective In Various Diseases And Health Complications

Key hole surgery in Singapore or laparoscopy is one of the amazing surgical procedure that uses exclusive surgical instruments or laparoscope to show inside the body to take care of certain operations. A tiny camera is also used to see everything on monitor and take the right steps. In simple words, camera is used to transmit picture. In addition, these instruments are inserted into extra incision to retract, cut, suture and staple. If you are suffering from fractures, trauma arthritis in neck , back pain, foot deformities and similar other problems, you will get the right solutions and good relief through this type of surgery. It is also very effective and result oriented in sporting and occupational injuries, lower limb diseases and pathology along with arthritis management and foot and ankle problems. There are a number of added features associated with the amazing surgery that will help you in a number of ways. Key hole surgery in Singapore is effective and very helpful i

Dancing Injuries In Singapore At Ardmore Orthopaedic Clinic

Are you suffering from dancing injuries or any kind of orthopaeic problem? You are advised to consult with orthopedic surgeons or doctors who have expertise in providing you the right solutions for such problems. You have to find the right clinic and ask for the key hole surgery or laparoscopic surgery that is very quick and there is no need of hospitalization for more days. There are a number of advantages associated with this type of surgery. Whether you are looking for the right surgical procedures (minimal invasive surgery) for dancing injuries in Singapore or searching or the key hole surgery in Singapore for any kind of other problem, you will have some better options of getting the right surgery by reaching a certified and famous clinic. You will find a number of clinics claiming of offering you the best surgical procedures with less cuts and scars or pain. Among some of the trusted names from where you can expect the best surgery, name of Ardmore Orthopaedic Clinic comes o

Trauma Arthritis Neck – Get The Right Solutions From Ardmore Orthopaedic Clinic

Arthritis is a major problem and both men and women are the victim of this diseases that results in joint pain (severe), unable to move easily from one place to another and various other health complications. A good number of people also face the problem in neck. Arthritis in neck results in severe pain, unable to move neck freely, swelling and various other issues. If you are suffering from neck pain and inflammation due to arthritis, it is important to consult with orthopaedic surgeons who have proven track record of offering you the best solutions and recommend you the right surgical procedures. When it comes to get the right solution and treatment for trauma arthritis neck , back pain or similar other problems, you will have some better options of fulfilling your requirement by going online. You have to contact via any convenient mode of communication to surgeons at the right clinic and leave rest of the work on experts and doctors working there. Charges for surgical procedure